ECB Wireless


About Us

We have developed a patent pending solution that will change the way companies manage their wireless services. Our service, called the Exact Chargeback Solution, is not an expensive TEM software or managed service solution. Our firm has over 50 years of telecommunication experience to help manage every aspect of your wireless needs. We are experts in contract negotiations, RFP management, rate plan optimizations, and policy enforcement. The Exact Chargeback Solution will be the cornerstone of your wireless program, and will deliver the lowest total cost of wireless service.

Wireless is one of the top ten cost drivers at American companies.  With the need to become ever-more efficient in our operations, corporate wireless customers have faced a Hobson’s choice: Go with pooling plans and save money, but have the low-volume users subsidize the high-volume users; or, give up the cost savings.

We introduce the Exact Charge Back, a solution that breaks the dilemma and provides a real game changer with pooling resources.  By using our patent-pending process to analyze and allocate cost, we allow you to charge back directly to your corporate wireless users based on usage.  We provide options and solutions for your Accounts Payable process, and we make it easier to enforce your corporate wireless policy.

The Exact Charge back Solution will drive incremental savings of 15-30%, drive end user accountability, policy compliance, and financial transparency. The solution can be implemented in 60 days and does not have any impact on end users, require any updates to your carrier contracts or changing carriers!

Our Group

Jim Breitzman

Founder & Director

Jim Breitzman started Exact Charge Back after a long and successful career working for wireless carrier powerhouses, including Verizon Wireless, GTE, and Ameritech.  After years of negotiating to meet the carriers’ revenue growth targets, he is now leveraging his experience to the benefit of the customer.

Jonathan Brown

Chief Technology Officer

Jonathan Brown is the chief software architect and developer behind the Exact Chargeback solution.  He has a track record as an entrepreneur, developing a number of successful software projects and products, including a online job tracking system used by the world’s leader in job distribution,  a mobile conference and event app platform, as well as a online voting system used by a number of regional and national associations.